


Enrichment Clubs

 At Buckingham Primary School, we believe that we should enrich our children’s experiences throughout the school as well as beyond the school day.

 We support this ethos through providing children with experiences beyond the school day and enable them to discover more about themselves.   Alongside our own staff we employ a mix of specialists to provide a range of exciting opportunities. Through pupil voice, we have developed a rich and varied offering of clubs. Each half term we review our clubs and encourage the children to share what interests and engages them.

 Some examples of clubs we have recently offered include: 


Art club

Creative writing

Science Club

Lego club

Gardening Club

Bush craft club

Netball Club

Cookery club

Story club


Recorder Club



Club prices vary depending on resource costs; however, we always try to keep them as low as possible and will offer support for those children in receipt of pupil premium funding.

  Summer Term 1 2024 Enrichment Clubs