


Performance & Financial Information


Key Stage 2 Results 22/23

Working at Age Related Expectations or above

The percentage of children at BPS achieving age related expectations or above is:

Reading 80%  (National 73%)

Writing 72%*   (National 71%)

Maths 75%  (National 73%)

SPAG 81%  (National 72%)

*Buckingham Primary School were moderated in 2023 and writing outcomes confirmed through the Buckinghamshire Council moderation process

Working at greater depth

The percentage of children at BPS achieving  greater depth is:

Reading 41%  (National 29%)

Writing 3%   (National 13%)

Maths 39%  (National 24%)

SPAG 52%  (National 72%)


The percentage of children at BPS achieving combined age related expectations or above in reading, writing and maths is 59% (National 59%)

Average Scaled Scores

Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) measure pupil achievements for Reading, GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and Maths.  Whilst the tests are developed to the same specification each year, the questions differ and therefore the difficulty of tests may vary.  To address this, the total number of marks a pupil gets in a test (their ‘raw’ score) is converted into a scaled score, to ensure accurate comparisons of performance over time can be made.  Pupils scoring at least 100 will have met the expected standard on the test.

Reading  107

Maths       106


Progress Scores

Progress scores between KS1 and KS2
Reading 0.1
Writing   -2.3*
Maths  0.1
Published writing progress score is not reflective of the 72% of chidlren achieving ARE or above. 
The KS2 writing teacher assessment data was missing in the provisional dataset for this school, therefore the data is showing 0% of pupils achieved the expected standard.
For further information or data comparisons, visit the DfE School Performance Service
Schools financial benchmarking service