


Parents' Network


The Parents' Network began because we believe
that no matter how good a school already is,
 input from parents can make it an even better
 place for the children to grow and learn.

There’s a lot of hidden talent and experience within the 
parent body of  BPS, and we’re looking for it.
You can download a form that lists the many ways in which you can be part of the network. Please look through it and see if there’s something that interests you. (There may also be things we haven’t thought of- please add them in the "OTHER" category.) 

Contacts in the community are important, too,
be they sign painters, Christmas tree growers, cooks, bank employees, van drivers, shed builders, violin players or otherwise. So please mention your business or your passion. 

We all lead busy lives, but whatever you can offer will be valued. Please take a few minutes to read through and fill in the form. 


( Grandparents are welcome, too...)