Makes 1 coloured ball
Prep 10 minutes
You will need
8 tbsp plain flour
2 tbsp table salt
60ml warm water
food colouring
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few
drops of food colouring and the oil.
2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon.
3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few
minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in
a few extra drops of food colouring.
4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh.
Measurements vary but add conditioner to cornflower and mix until a playdough
Makes 1 ball
Prep 10 minutes
Cook 3 hours
You will need
1 cupful of plain flour (about 250g)
half a cupful of table salt (about 125g)
half a cupful of water (about 125ml)
1. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting and line a baking sheet with baking parchment.
2. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Add the water and stir until it comes together into
a ball.
3. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface and shape into your chosen model. You can
roll it out and cut out shapes, numbers or letters using biscuit cutters, or make any kind
of model you can think of. We made some fruit and veg shapes plus cupcakes for a teddy
bear’s picnic.
4. Put your finished items on the lined baking sheet and bake for 3 hrs or until solid.
5. Leave to cool and then paint.
Salt dough can also be air dried but takes quite a while, less if left to dry in a warm place
such as an airing cupboard.